Best Endoscopic Doctor

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Best Endoscopic Doctor

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A treatment called an upper GI endoscopy, often known as an EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy), is used to identify and treat issues with the upper GI (gastrointestinal) tract. Your esophagus, stomach, and duodenum—the first segment of your small intestine—all belong to the upper GI tract. An endoscope is a long, flexible tube used for this surgery. On one end of the tube, there is a little light and a camera. You pass the tube through your mouth and throat. After that, it moves gradually through your stomach and esophagus before entering your duodenum. On a monitor, video images from the tube are displayed. An upper GI endoscopy may be performed as an outpatient procedure or as a component of a hospital stay. Depending on your health and the procedures followed by your healthcare professional, the test may be performed differently. An upper GI endoscopy typically happens after this procedure: Any clothing, jewelry, or other anything that can obstruct the treatment will need to be removed. You will be required to take out your dentures if you wear them throughout the test. You will be given a robe to wear if you need to take off your clothes.


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